Sculptra face

Discover the benefits of a Sculptra face treatment!

With age, the skin’s natural collagen production decreases and you may begin to notice wrinkles, sagging skin and other signs of aging.

Annoying, but fortunately medical science allows us to fight and delay the effects of old age more and more. Sculptra is an example of this. Sculptra is a natural wrinkle filler that slowly but gradually nourishes the skin from the deeper layers, restoring lost facial volume at its source. Because Sculptra restarts collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, this is a slow but gradual process.

Therefore, in the first 6 months, you will see a gradual recovery of your skin quality. It becomes firmer and plumper, making wrinkles, lines, folds and puffiness less visible. The effect can last up to 2 years or longer.


Starting as low as 1200.




50 minutes


25 months

Important: Sculptra treatment requires a deposit and must be made 3 days in advance, so always make an appointment.

During the intake interview, the practitioner will assess your face and discuss your needs to suggest a customized treatment plan. You will be shown before and after photos to create realistic expectations. On the day of treatment, the doctor will explain the course of treatment before it begins. Using a needle or cannula, Sculptra is injected into the skin and into the deeper layers of the skin. Your body will absorb the Sculptra particles over the next few days. During the first week after treatment, massage the treated area as instructed. The results will appear gradually and the skin of your face will continue to improve over the next 2-3 months. If follow-up treatment is needed, the doctor will discuss this with you.

Immediately after the injections, you will see temporary results for the first 24 hours, but this will quickly disappear again. Within two to three months, however, you will see long-lasting results as your body produces new collagen.

  • Massage the treated areas 5 times a day for about 5 minutes for 5 days after treatment.
  • Hold ice bags gently on the treated areas for about 3-5 minutes a few times that day.
  • The treated areas may become red, swollen and blue for the first 2-7 days.
  • If possible, avoid strenuous physical activity and alcohol for 24 hours.
  • If bruising occurs, continue to take Arnica supplements and apply Arnica gel. Also, drink fresh pineapple juice and/or take Bromelain supplements to speed up the healing process.
  • A few days after treatment, you will look as before. This is normal because Sculptra replaces lost collagen over time.

After a Sculptra injection treatment, we recommend that patients massage the treated areas to prevent the formation of small nodules (nodule) in the skin. If the skin is not massaged, there is a chance for small nodules to form.

After your appointment: After your treatment with Sculptra, it is very important that you follow the 5-5-5 rule. That means massaging your skin 5 times a day for 5 minutes for 5 days after your injections. Your skin may look “full” after treatment because of the amount of fluid injected.

Patients can return to their normal schedule immediately after their treatment with Sculptra.

Sculptra results are clearly visible after 8 to 10 weeks. Sculptra stimulates the natural production of collagen, so it may take some time to see full results. After about 2 weeks, however, the collagen begins to develop and the first results can already be noticed. The full effect of the treatment will be visible after several months.

Sculptra stimulates the production of collagen. The body needs about from 8 to 10 weeks to fully initiate this production.

Immediately after treatment with Sculptra, aside from slight swelling and possible bruising, you won’t see much difference in your appearance. For two weeks, however, it will dissolve and begin to stimulate the natural production of collagen. This will gradually lead to a natural improvement of your skin and volume of the treated area.

Although Sculptra is a safe treatment and has few side effects, there are some potential drawbacks that should be considered before you decide to undergo the treatment. Some of these potential drawbacks include:

  • Possible side effects: As with any cosmetic treatment, side effects may occur, such as swelling, bruising, redness, itching or sensitivity at the injection site.
  • Multiple sessions required: To achieve the best results, multiple treatment sessions may be required depending on your body shape.
  • Slow results: Although the results of Sculptra are long-lasting, they may become visible slowly and gradually, over several months to a year.
  • Not suitable for everyone: Sculptra is not suitable for people with certain medical conditions or people who are allergic to its ingredients.

Why at Oran Aesthetics?

Aftercare Sculptra facial treatment

Note: If you use blood-thinning medications please mention this to the doctor during the consultation!


Sculptra is made from poly-L-lactic acid, a natural substance that already occurs naturally in your body and is biodegradable. It has been on the market for quite some time and has already proven its long-term safety. An occasional redness, swelling, bruising or lumps may occur but these usually subside on their own. There is less chance of side effects if you follow the instructions and massage the treated area for the first two weeks.

Sculptra facial results

With a Sculptra treatment, the quality of your skin will gradually improve. By activating the skin’s collagen production from within, lost collagen is replenished. This protein is essential for the firmness and structure of your skin, supporting the collagen strands in the deeper layers of the skin. Over time, lines, wrinkles, folds and puffiness will become less visible due to the natural repair process and restoration of skin volume. Full results are visible within six months and last for two years or more. Discover the benefits of Sculptra for your skin today!

For After
For After
For After
For After